Our Commitment


We value your feedback on our sustainability reporting.


Handling Customer Feedback

Business units, frontline staff and our Quality Assurance (QAD) are all responsible for receiving customer opinions, comments and suggestions. We have a standardised complaint-handling procedure to ensure customer feedback is dealt with in a consistent and efficient manner that abides by the service pledges contained in our internal procedure manual and external guidelines.

QAD, which is an independent unit, handles customer comments and assists business units in resolving complaints. QAD staff aim to acknowledge receipt of feedback or a complaint within two working days and resolve most issues within seven days. Should the matter require further investigation, QAD will undertake this task and provide a follow-up reply within 30 days. If QAD's investigations identify any issues that require remedial action, line management will take the necessary steps.

Senior management regularly review reports on customer suggestions, comments, compliments and complaints. Lessons learnt from customer feedback are communicated to staff to improve customer service and encourage best practices.

Contact Us

Thank you for reading our Corporate Sustainability Report 2014. Your comments and suggestions play an important part in our efforts to continually improve our performance. We would greatly appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to complete our feedback form.

Feedback Form

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