Life Protection

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You need to know

This plan is a life insurance product. It is underwritten by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited (“HSIC”) and the policy term is 5 years with 2-year premium payment period.
This plan is a life insurance product. It is underwritten by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited (“HSIC”) and the policy term and premium payment period are 3 years.
This plan is a life insurance product. It is underwritten by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited (“HSIC”) and the policy term is 1 year with single premium payment.
This is a life insurance product underwritten by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited ("HSIC") with saving elements and coverage for breast and lung cancer. You can enjoy a 10-year protection period by paying premiums for 2 years. Starting from the 2nd monthiversary, you can receive a Monthly Guaranteed Income.

Plan name

Quote details

Personal details

Smoking habit
According to the eligibility, you can choose the Daily Hospital Cash Benefit amount as HKD300, HKD600 or HKD1,000.
Do you have a child who is aged below 18 years old? (To enjoy free sharing protection)
If you cannot find your preferred Sum Insured from above options, you can apply for more than 1 policy to get the suitable Sum Insured amount that can fulfil your needs1,2.
If you cannot find your preferred Sum Insured from above options, you can apply for more than 1 policy to get the suitable Sum Insured amount that can fulfil your needs1,2.

Plan options

How much Daily Hospital Cash Coverage do you need?
Extra Hospital Cash Benefit
Death Benefit
100% of the Total Premiums Paid
Accidental Death Benefit
100% of the Total Premiums Paid

Plan options

Policy currency
Plan name
The Choice 5-Year Life Insurance Plan (HKD)
Payment mode - Annualised rate of return (discounted)
Premium Options
Premium Options
Plan name
The Choice 5-Year Life Insurance Plan (USD)
Payment mode - Annualised rate of return (discounted)
Premium Options
Premium Options
Plan name
Imperial Dragon (RMB) Life Insurance Plan
Payment mode - Annualised rate of return (discounted)
Premium Options
Premium Options
Please read policy currency risk.

Plan options

Policy currency
Please read policy currency risk.
Premium Options
Premium Options
Premium Options
Return growth upon maturity (1 year)
(% p.a.)
Accidental Death Benefit
Death Benefit
Please ensure your selected option is suitable for your insurance needs and expectation.
Please ensure your selected option is suitable for your insurance needs and expectation.
Please ensure your selected option is suitable for your insurance needs and expectation.

Plan options

Policy currency
Payment mode & Annualised rate of return (discounted)
Annual premium amount
Annual premium amount
Total guaranteed return upon maturity:
Payment mode & Annualised rate of return (discounted)
Annual premium amount
Annual premium amount
Total guaranteed return upon maturity:
Please read policy currency risk.

Special offer


Quote summary

eCancerPro Insurance Plan

eFamilyPro Life Insurance Plan

The Choice 5-Year Life Insurance Plan (HKD)

The Choice 5-Year Life Insurance Plan (USD)

Imperial Dragon (RMB) Life Insurance Plan

QuickReward Endowment Life Insurance Plan (1-Year) - (HKD)

QuickReward Endowment Life Insurance Plan (1-Year) - (USD)

QuickReward Endowment Life Insurance Plan (1-Year) - (RMB)

CouponPower Guaranteed Life Insurance Plan (HKD)

CouponPower Guaranteed Life Insurance Plan (USD)

You may be interested in

This plan is a term life insurance plan with no savings element

  • Fixed premium for 10-year terms with 8 choices of Sum Insured1,2 ,from HKD100,000 to HKD5,000,000
  • Coverage including various common types of cancer3
    • Male: Prostate Cancer / Testicular Cancer
    • Female: Cervical Cancer / Ovarian Cancer

What is covered for you in this Plan?

Carcinoma-in-situ / Early Stage Cancer Benefit

If the Life Insured is diagnosed with Carcinoma-in-situ or Early Stage Cancer (including such as penis. testis tumor, uterus tumor, ovary tumor), we will pay an advanced benefit equivalent to 20% of the Sum Insured. A maximum of two claims under different organs will be paid under the Plan.


Cancer Benefit plus Death Benefit

If the Life Insured is diagnosed with cancer, a lump-sum benefit equal to the total or remaining balance of the Sum Insured will be paid under the Cancer Benefit. Upon the unfortunate passing away of the Life Insured, the beneficiary(ies) will receive the total or remaining balance of the Sum Insured as a Death Benefit instead.


No Waiting Period or Survival Period

The coverage is in effect immediately after the policy is approved. Premium will only be adjusted every 10 years4 so you can plan your finances easily. Renewal of the plan is guaranteed to age 79, regardless of the Life Insured's health status.


A child shares all the benefits for free

No additional underwriting, premium or waiting period for the covered child under age of 18 (maximum Sum Insured amount of child benefit is HKD 1.5 million).


Online insurance application without medical examination

Online application without the hassle of providing documentation or medical examinations.

Who is eligible? What is the requirement?

  • eCancerPro Insurance Plan is only available to you if you hold a Hang Seng bank account or Hang Seng credit card5.
  • You must also be between the Age of 18 and 60 and have a Hong Kong Identity Card.
  • Your monthly payment should be debited from your Hang Seng bank account or Hang Seng credit card account.

What are the major exclusions?

Please note that eCancerPro Insurance Plan will not cover any Cancer, Carcinoma-in-situ or Early Stage Cancer that result from any of the following:
i) intoxication by alcohol or drugs not prescribed by a Registered Doctor;
ii) any congenital conditions or genetic disorder or developmental conditions, which has manifested or was diagnosed before the Life Insured or the Covered Child (where applicable) attains 18 years of Insurance Age; or
iii) any pre-existing condition or illness.

Pre-existing Condition means any condition or illness, any signs or symptoms of condition or illness, any laboratory test or investigation that shows the likely presence of the condition or illness, any cause or triggering condition to Cancer, Carcinoma-in-situ or Early Stage Cancer that exist before the policy takes effect.

For details of exclusions of this plan, please refer to the product brochure and policy provisions in the policy documents section below.

Other Point(s) to note

  1. eCancerPro Insurance Plan is underwritten by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited. Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited is authorised and regulated by the Insurance Authority of the HKSAR. Hang Seng Bank is an insurance agent authorised by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited and the insurance products are products of Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited but not Hang Seng Bank. In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between Hang Seng Bank and you out of the selling process or processing of the related insurance product transaction, Hang Seng Bank will enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with you; however any dispute over the contractual terms of the insurance products should be resolved between Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited and you directly.
  2. The above information is intended as a general summary of information for reference only. It shall not be construed as an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer or recommendation to purchase or sale or provision of any products of Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited. Please refer to the actual policy for the exact terms, conditions and exclusions of the Plan.
  3. eCancerPro Insurance Plan offers limited daily quota. New quota will be released at 12 noon every day. Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited reserves the right to accept or decline any applications subject to the plan's availability.
  4. For details of the plan features, relevant product risks, terms and conditions of the plan, please refer to the product brochure and policy provisions in the Policy documents section.


  1. The maximum aggregate sum insured that each life insured could apply for eCancerPro Insurance Plan and eFamilyPro Life Insurance Plan is HKD8,000,000 for life insured who is aged 50 or below and HKD 3,500,000 for life insured who is aged above 50.
  2. Life insured aged 50 or below can apply eCancerPro Insurance Plan with sum insured up to HKD5,000,000 while Life insured aged above 50 can apply this plan with sum insured up to HKD3,000,000.
  3. For the definition of Cancer, Carcinoma-in-situ and Early Stage Cancer, and the exclusions of the Plan, please refer to the policy provision which shall be considered as final.
  4. Premium is fixed for the first 10 years. To read about your future premiums payable for this plan, please refer to Premium Illustration in Policy documents section.    
  5. Only applicable to personal customer who is the principal cardholder of Hang Seng Credit Card, but not applicable to non-Hong Kong Dollar Credit Cards and Private Label Cards.

This plan is a term life insurance plan with no savings element.

  • Fixed premium for first 10- years terms with 9 choices of Sum Insured1,2 ,from HKD500,000 to HKD8,000,000
  • Upon the policy is effective, it is renewable up to age 80 regardless of the Life Insured’s health status

What is covered for you in this Plan?

Death Benefit

Upon the unfortunate passing away of the Life Insured, the beneficiary(ies) will receive the total Death Benefit to help them getting through difficult times.


Premium is fixed for the first 10 years3

The monthly premium is fixed for the first 10 years and will be adjusted every 10 years. To read about your future premiums payable for this plan, please refer to Premium Illustration in Policy documents section below.


Coverage up to age 80 and Conversion privilege

During the policy period, the Plan covers up to age 80 regardless of the Life Insured's health status. Before the Life Insured's age reached 604, the Policy may be converted to a new whole of life or endowment policy, without the need of the medical underwriting requirements.


9 choices of Sum Insured

There are 9 choices of Sum Insured1,2 from HKD500,000 to HKD8,000,000 to suit various family needs.


Online insurance application without medical examination

Online application without the hassle of providing documentation or medical examinations.

Who is eligible? What is the requirement?

  • eFamilyPro Life Insurance Plan is only available to you if you hold a Hang Seng bank account or Hang Seng credit card5.
  • You must also be between the Age of 18 and 60 and have a Hong Kong Identity Card.
  • Your monthly payment should be debited from your Hang Seng bank account or credit card account.

Other Point(s) to note

  1. eFamilyPro Life Insurance Plan is underwritten by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited. Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited is authorised and regulated by the Insurance Authority of the HKSAR. Hang Seng Bank is an insurance agent authorised by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited and the insurance products are products of Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited but not Hang Seng Bank. In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between Hang Seng Bank and you out of the selling process or processing of the related insurance product transaction, Hang Seng Bank will enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with you; however any dispute over the contractual terms of the insurance products should be resolved between Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited and you directly.
  2. The above information is intended as a general summary of information for reference only. It shall not be construed as an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer or recommendation to purchase or sale or provision of any products of Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited. Please refer to the actual policy for the exact terms, conditions and exclusions of the Plan.
  3. eFamilyPro Life Insurance Plan offers limited daily quota. New quota will be released at 12 noon every day. Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited reserves the right to accept or decline any applications subject to the plan's availability.
  4. For details of the plan features, relevant product risks, terms and conditions of the plan, please refer to the product brochure and policy provisions in the Policy documents section.


  1. The maximum aggregate sum insured that each life insured could apply for eCancerPro Insurance Plan and eFamilyPro Life Insurance Plan is HKD8,000,000 for life insured who is aged 50 or below and HKD 3,500,000 for life insured who is aged above 50.
  2. Life insured aged 50 or below can apply eFamilyPro Life Insurance Plan with sum insured up to HKD8,000,000 while Life insured aged above 50 can apply this plan with sum insured up to HKD3,500,000.
  3. Premium is fixed for the first 10 years. To read about your future premiums payable for this plan, please refer to Premium Illustration in Policy documents section.
  4. Age at last birthday.
  5. Only applicable to personal customer who is the principal cardholder of Hang Seng Credit Card, but not applicable to non-Hong Kong Dollar Credit Cards and Private Label Cards.

This plan helps you achieve your saving goals with 2-year premium payment period with annualised guaranteed rate of return* upon maturity of up to 3.90%1

  Annual payment
Monthly payment

*included first year premium discount

Life Protection for Extra Assurance

In the unfortunate event of the death of the Life Insured during the insurance age and while the policy is in force, the beneficiary(ies) will receive a lump-sum payment of Guaranteed Death Benefit equals to 101% of the Total Premiums Paid for the Basic Plan as at the date of the death of the Life Insured or 101% of Guaranteed Cash Value (whichever is greater), less indebtedness (if any).


Supplementary Benefits for Added Peace of Mind

In addition to the Guaranteed Death Benefit, 5-Year eEndowment Life Insurance Plan offers you the following free supplementary benefits:

  • Accidental Death Benefit
    In the unfortunate event of the accidental death of the Life Insured during the insurance age and while the Policy is in force, in addition to the above Death Benefit, the beneficiary(ies) will receive the Accidental Death Benefit, which equals to 30% of the Total Premiums Paid under the Basic Plan less indebtedness (if any).
  • Unemployment Benefit
    If you are unemployed for at least 30 consecutive days in the unfortunate event of dismissal by reason of redundancy before the Insurance Age of 65 while the Policy is in force , you can apply for temporary suspension of payment of the premium due to a maximum of 365 days from the first premium payment due date after unemployment. Throughout this period, the Life Insured can still enjoy all the benefits as specified in the policy.


Enjoy Protection at Ease with Simple Application

Enrolment in 5-Year eEndowment Life Insurance Plan is simple. Provided that the Total Premium amount per Life Insured does not exceed maximum limit, and the Life Insured and/or Policyholder meet the criteria for the Insurance Age during enrolment, and comply with other relevant application requirements of the Plan, medical examination is not required and acceptance is guaranteed.

Key Exclusions of Supplementary Benefits

Accidental Death Benefit

If the death of the Life Insured is resulted from any of the following, Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited ("Hang Seng Insurance") will not pay the Accidental Death Benefit:

(i) Suicide or trying to commit suicide;
(ii) Wilful self-inflicted injury;
(iii) Engaging in a hazardous sports, other than those stated in the application;
(iv) Taking or absorbing any drug, medicine, sedative or poison, except as prescribed by a Registered Doctor;
(v) Inhaling any gas or fumes, accidentally or otherwise, except accidentally in the course of duty;
(vi) Insanity or mental infirmity or mental disease;
(vii) Committing or trying to commit a criminal offence;
(viii) War or any act incidental to war.

Unemployment Benefit

If the Policyholder is unemployed due to any of the following circumstances, no Benefit can be claimed:

(i) If any period of Unemployment does not qualify for payment of severance benefits under the Employment Ordinance of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
(ii) The Unemployment commences within 2 months of the Policy Date or Issue Date or ownership change date of the Policy, whichever is the latest.
(iii) Self-employed (Professional excepted).
(iv) Working for a company or firm in which the policyholder’s relative has a financial interest.
(v) Unemployment or prospect of Unemployment that Policyholder knew of or should reasonably have known of on or before the Policy Date or Issue Date or ownership change date of the Policy, whichever is the latest.
(vi) Misconduct or any action that contributes to or leads to be dismissed, or resign, retire or take voluntary redundancy.
(vii) After the end of the contract, or a period of training or apprenticeship.

Other Point(s) to note

  1. 5-Year eEndowment Life Insurance Plan refers to The Choice 5-Year Life Insurance Plan policy (HKD /USD), they are underwritten by Hang Seng Insurance. Hang Seng Insurance is authorised and regulated by the Insurance Authority of the HKSAR. Hang Seng Bank Limited (“Hang Seng Bank”) is an insurance agent authorised by Hang Seng Insurance and the insurance products are products of Hang Seng Insurance but not Hang Seng Bank. In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between Hang Seng Bank and you out of the selling process or processing of the related insurance product transaction, Hang Seng Bank will enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with you; however any dispute over the contractual terms of the insurance products should be resolved between Hang Seng Insurance and you directly.
  2. The above information is intended as a general summary of information for reference only. Policyholder is subject to HSIC’s credit risk and surrender loss. It shall not be construed as an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer or recommendation to purchase or sale or provision of any products of Hang Seng Insurance outside Hong Kong. Please refer to the actual policy for the exact terms, conditions and exclusions of the Plan.
  3. 5-Year eEndowment Life Insurance Plan offers limited daily quota. New quota will be released at 12 noon every day. Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited reserves the right to accept or decline any applications subject to the plan's availability.


  1. This is a rate of Guaranteed Cash Value upon maturity of USD plan in annual payment mode with first year premium discount included. Terms and conditions apply. Limited Quota.

This plan provides a 3-year policy term and allows you to receive full refund of the total premium paid upon maturity irrespective of any claims of Supplementary Benefits1 made. This plan also has no geographical restriction. You'll also get hospital cash benefit if you need to be hospitalised wherever you are, allowing you to receive treatment with peace of mind.

- EasyRefund 100% Global Hospital Cash Plan (3-Year)

3 years premium payment term and benefit term

End of Policy Year

Total Premiums Paid (HKD)

Guaranteed Surrender Value (HKD)

Guaranteed Death Benefit (HKD)

Accidental Death Benefit (HKD)



(70% of Total
Premiums Paid)

(100% of Total
Premiums Paid)

(100% of Total
Premiums Paid)



(70% of Total
Premiums Paid)

(100% of Total
Premiums Paid)

(100% of Total
Premiums Paid)



(103101% of Total
Premiums Paid)

(100% of Total
Premiums Paid)

(100% of Total
Premiums Paid)

Death Benefit

While the Policy is in force, in the unfortunate event of death of the Life Insured, the beneficiary will receive the Death Benefit equivalent to a refund of 100% of the Total Premiums Paid during Policy Term (excluding any interest received by the Company). After paying the Death Benefit, the policy will be terminated accordingly.

Premium Refund

While the Policy is still in force upon the Benefit Cessation Date of Basic Plan, the Company will according to the table stipulated as below to refund the applicable percentage of Total Premiums Paid during Policy Term (excluding any interest received by the Company) to you or your estate; or while the Policy is lapsed, surrendered or terminated at any time before the Benefit Cessation Date of Basic Plan, and no Death Benefit has been paid or become payable under this Policy, the Company will refund 70% of the Total Premiums Paid during the Policy Term (excluding any interest received by the Company) to you or your estate.

On the Benefit Cessation Date

Applicable percentage of premium refund

If no benefit have been paid or become payable under any Supplementary Benefits

103% of Total Premiums Paid (Annual Premium Mode) /

101% of Total Premiums Paid (Monthly Premium Mode)

If any benefit have been paid or become payable under any Supplementary Benefits

100% of Total Premiums Paid

Daily Hospital Cash Benefit

While this Supplementary Benefit is still in force, if Hospital Confinement of the Life Insured is due to a Bodily Injury, a Sickness, Disease or Illness2 and such confinement is certified by a Registered Doctor to be Medically Necessary, a Daily Hospital Cash Benefit will be paid to the Policyholder.

During the whole Policy Term of this Policy, this benefit will be paid up to 300 days for all Hospital Confinements per policy, with limit at 100 days per policy year. The benefit of Daily Hospital Cash Benefit will be terminated automatically upon the payment of 300 days of the Daily Hospital Cash Benefit.

If in the case where the Hospital Confinement occurs in a place other than listed as a Benefit Area3 (e.g. Mainland China4), the Daily Hospital Cash Benefit will be limited to 50% of the protection amount and the benefit will only be paid up to 30 days for Hospital Confinement per policy.

Extra Hospital Cash Benefit

While this Supplementary Benefit is still in force, if Daily Hospital Cash Benefit is eligible to be paid and if the Hospital Confinement of the Life Insured is due to admission to Intensive Care, an Extra Hospital Cash Benefit will be paid to the Policyholder.

During the whole Policy Term of this Policy, this benefit will be paid up to 60 days. This Supplementary Benefit will be terminated automatically i) upon payment of 60 days of the Extra Hospital Cash Benefit, or ii) upon payment of 300 days of the Daily Hospital Cash Benefit, whichever is earlier.

If in the case where the Hospital Confinement occurs in a place other than listed as a Benefit Area3(e.g. Mainland China4), the Extra Hospital Cash Benefit will be limited to 50% of the protection amount and the benefit will only be paid up to 30 days for Hospital Confinement per policy.

Accidental Death Benefit

In the event of the Life Insured's accidental death, an Accidental Death Benefit equivalent to 100% of the Total Premiums Paid under the Basic Plan will be paid (excluding any interest received by the Company).

This Accidental Death Benefit will be automatically terminated (1) upon payout of this Accidental Death Benefit; or (2) on the date this Policy terminates, expires, lapses, becomes void, is cancelled or is surrendered, whichever is the earliest. Upon the death of the Life Insured, the Policy will terminate.

Key Exclusions of Daily Hospital Cash Benefit and Extra Hospital Cash Benefit

No benefit will be paid if a Bodily Injury, Sickness, Disease or Illness or otherwise incurred directly or indirectly caused by the following:

  1. Congenital Conditions;
  2. Intentional self-inflicted Bodily Injury or attempted suicide, while sane or insane;
  3. Engaging in hazardous sports (including but not limited to mountaineering necessitating the use of ropes or guides, pot-holing, bungee jumping, skydiving, parachuting, parasailing, hang-gliding, ballooning, skin-diving or other underwater pastimes, winter sports, racing of any kind other than on foot, steeple chasing or polo), aviation or aeronautics other than as a fare paying passenger on a duly licensed commercial aircraft;
  4. Participation in all forms of league status football sports or other team sports with an equivalent or greater likelihood of such participation resulting in Bodily Injury;
  5. War or any act of war, declared or undeclared, or active duty in the military, naval or air forces of any country or international authority;
  6. Taking or absorbing, accidentally or otherwise, any alcohol, drug, medicine, sedative or poison, except as prescribed by a Registered Doctor;
  7. Pre-existing Conditions;
  8. Infection from any Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or any AIDS-related condition;
  9. Dental treatment, dentures, eye examinations, glasses, hearing aids or the fitting of any thereof, or cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery, except and to the extent that any of such treatment is necessary for cure or alleviation of Bodily Injury to the Life Insured;
  10. Treatments or tests not consistent with customary medical treatment or diagnosis. Physical examinations, health check-ups or tests not incidental to treatment or diagnosis of a covered Bodily Injury, Sickness, Disease or Illness or any treatments which are not Medically Necessary;
  11. Hospital Confinement for isolation and / or medical surveillance purpose;
  12. Life Insured participated in illegal activity or attempted violation of the law;
  13. Physical or mental infirmity, of any disease; or
  14. Pregnancy, childbirth (including surgical delivery), miscarriage, abortion and prenatal or postnatal care. Conditions arising from surgical, mechanical or chemical methods of birth control or treatment (surgical or otherwise to cause) or the reversal of birth control or treatment pertaining to infertility.

Key Exclusions of Accidental Death Benefit

No benefit will be paid if Accidental Death results directly or indirectly from any of the following:

  1. Intentional self-inflicted Bodily Injury or attempted suicide, while sane or insane;
  2. Engaging in hazardous sports (including but not limited to mountaineering necessitating the use of ropes or guides, pot-holing, bungee jumping, skydiving, parachuting, parasailing, hang-gliding, ballooning, skin-diving or other underwater pastimes, winter sports, racing of any kind other than on foot, steeple chasing or polo), aviation or aeronautics other than as a fare paying passenger on a duly licensed commercial aircraft;
  3. War or any act of war, declared or undeclared, or active duty in the military, naval or air forces of any country or international authority;
  4. Taking or absorbing, accidentally or otherwise, any alcohol, drug, medicine, sedative or poison, except as prescribed by a Registered Doctor;
  5. Inhaling any gas or fumes, accidentally or otherwise, except accidentally in course of duty;
  6. Insanity or mental infirmity or mental disease;
  7. Life Insured participated in illegal activity or attempted violation of the law
  8. Entering, operating, or servicing, riding in or on, ascending or descending from any kind of device designed for flight in or beyond the earth’s atmosphere except while the Life Insured is a passenger or air crew in an aircraft operated by a commercial passenger airline on a regular scheduled passenger trip over its established passenger route.

Other Points to note

  1. EasyRefund 100% Global Hospital Cash Plan (3-Year) is underwritten by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited. Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited is authorised and regulated by the Insurance Authority of the HKSAR. Hang Seng Bank is an insurance agent authorised by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited and the insurance products are products of Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited but not Hang Seng Bank. In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between Hang Seng Bank and you out of the selling process or processing of the related insurance product transaction, Hang Seng Bank will enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with you; however any dispute over the contractual terms of the insurance products should be resolved between Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited and you directly.
  2. The above information is intended as a general summary of information for reference only. It shall not be construed as an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer or recommendation to purchase or sale or provision of any products of Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited. Please refer to the actual policy for the exact terms, conditions and exclusions of the Plan.
  3. EasyRefund 100% Global Hospital Cash Plan (3-Year) offers limited daily quota. New quota will be released at 12 noon every day. Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited reserves the right to accept or decline any applications subject to the plan's availability.


  1. Supplementary Benefits include Daily Hospital Cash Benefit, Extra Hospital Cash Benefit, and Accidental Death Benefit.
  2. Cover the Hospital Confinement due to a Sickness, Disease or Illness occurring at least 30 days after the policy effective date where such confinement is certified by a Registered Doctor to be Medically Necessary for a minimum period of 6 consecutive hours and a charge for daily room and board by the Hospital is incurred.
  3. Benefit Areas refer to Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Canada, United States of America, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand.
  4. If the Hospital Confinement occurs in mainland China (excluding the Hong Kong SAR, the Macau SAR and Taiwan), we will only pay Daily Hospital Cash Benefit and / or Extra Hospital Cash Benefit under this Policy if the medical services are provided in the hospitals that are formally assessed and rated by the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China or local governments’ health commissions of the People's Republic of China as a “Class III Grade A” hospital or above.
  5. Percentage of premium refund will be subject to the premium payment mode and claim record upon Policy Maturity:

    (i) If no benefit have been paid or become payable under any Supplementary Benefits, and premium is paid with annual payment mode, policyholder can enjoy 103% of the Total Premiums Paid as the rate of premium refund; if the premium is paid with monthly payment mode, policyholder can enjoy 101% of the Total Premiums Paid as the rate of premium refund;

    (ii) If any benefit have been paid or become payable under any Supplementary Benefits, policyholder can enjoy 100% of the Total Premiums Paid as the rate of premium refund regardless the premium is paid in annual payment or monthly payment mode.

With a short policy term of 1-year life protection, you can receive up to 4.00% annualised guaranteed return1, allowing you to manage your wealth more effectively.


Annualised guaranteed rate of return up to:







*The calculation of the annualised guaranteed rate of return is based on premium discount and your selected premium option. This amount is for reference only and levy is not included.

Accidental death benefit

In the event of an unfortunate death of the Life Insured in an Accident during the policy effective period, the Beneficiary will be able to receive the Accidental Death Benefit, which equals to 10% of the Total Premiums Paid. The Accidental Death Benefit will be paid in addition to the Death Benefit (101% of Total Premium Paid). Policy will be terminated immediately once the claim amount is paid.

Death benefit

In the event of an unfortunate death of the Life Insured during the policy effective period, the Beneficiary will be able to claim the death benefit in lump sum, the amount will be equivalent to 101% of the Total Premium Paid on the date of death of the Life Insured. Policy will be terminated immediately once the claim amount is paid.

Accidental Death Benefit

If the death of the Life Insured is resulted from any of the following, Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited ("Hang Seng Insurance") will not pay the Accidental Death Benefit:

  • Suicide or trying to commit suicide;
  • Wilful self-inflicted injury;
  • Engaging in a hazardous sports, other than those stated in the application;
  • Taking or absorbing any drug, medicine, sedative or poison, except as prescribed by a Registered Doctor;
  • Inhaling any gas or fumes, accidentally or otherwise, except accidentally in the course of duty
  • Insanity or mental infirmity or mental disease;
  • Committing or trying to commit a criminal offence;
  • War or any act incidental to war.

Other Points to note

i. QuickReward Endowment Life Insurance Plan (1-Year) is underwritten by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited. Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited is authorised and regulated by the Insurance Authority of the HKSAR. Hang Seng Bank is an insurance agent authorised by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited and the insurance products are products of Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited but not Hang Seng Bank. In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between Hang Seng Bank and you out of the selling process or processing of the related insurance product transaction, Hang Seng Bank will enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with you; however any dispute over the contractual terms of the insurance products should be resolved between Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited and you directly.

ii. The above information is intended as a general summary of information for reference only. Policyholder is subject to HSIC’s credit risk and surrender loss. It shall not be construed as an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer or recommendation to purchase or sale or provision of any products of Hang Seng Insurance outside Hong Kong. Please refer to the actual policy for the exact terms, conditions and exclusions of the Plan.

iii. QuickReward Endowment Life Insurance Plan (1-Year) is limited offer only. Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited reserves the right to stop online applications of the Plan without prior notice. Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited reserves the right to accept or decline any applications for the Plan based on the information provided by the Life Insured and / or Policyholder during online enrollment. If you wish to know more such as about product coverage, product risk and exclusions, please read the Product Brochure – QuickReward Endowment Life Insurance Plan (1-Year).

iv. QuickReward Endowment Life Insurance Plan (1-Year) offers limited daily quota. New quota will be released at 12 noon every day. Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited reserves the right to accept or decline any applications subject to the plan's availability.


  1. This is a rate of Guaranteed Cash Value upon maturity of USD plan with first year premium discount included. Terms and conditions apply. Limited Quota.
A few simple steps to get all-rounded protection for yourself. Apply for more than one product below now to enjoy exclusive offer!

Plan details

Understanding this product

Objective of the application

eCancerPro Insurance Plan is a term life insurance plan that provides cancer protection.


Type and nature of the product

This is a term life insurance plan with cancer protection and neither a bank deposit plan nor a bank savings plan. It is underwritten by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited.


Payment period & benefit period

This term life insurance policy with cancer protection will cover you up to age 80 and your contribution, which you selected at previous stage, will be up to age 80 with fixed premium for the first 10 years and will be adjusted every 10 years.  Please note, you should only apply for this life and cancer protection insurance policy if you intend to make the required payments for the entire premium payment term.


Affordability and liquidity risk

With your income and/or liquid assets, you can afford the premium payments and applicable levies required for this life insurance product throughout the policy term. However, if you decide to surrender before the end of policy term, or you do not keep up your required payments, as there is no savings element (i.e. cash value) in the policy, no premiums paid will be refunded upon policy surrender.

If the above does not align with your expectation, this product may not be suitable for your insurance needs and you should explore our other life insurance plans.

For more details of the plan features, please refer to Product brochure. For full terms and conditions, please refer to Policy provisions. To read about your future premiums payable for this plan, please refer to Premium Illustration.

Understanding this product

Objective of the application

eFamilyPro Life Insurance Plan is a term life insurance plan.


Type and nature of the product

This is a term life insurance plan and neither a bank deposit plan nor a bank savings plan. It is underwritten by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited.


Payment period & benefit period

This term life insurance policy will cover you up to age 80 and your contribution, which you selected at previous stage, will be up to age 80 with fixed premium for the first 10 years and will be adjusted every 10 years.  Please note, you should only apply for this life insurance policy if you intend to make the required payments for the entire premium payment term.


Affordability and liquidity risk

With your income and/or liquid assets, you can afford the premium payments and applicable levies required for this life insurance product throughout the policy term. However, if you decide to surrender before the end of policy term, or you do not keep up your required payments, as there is no savings element (i.e. cash value) in the policy, no premiums paid will be refunded upon policy surrender.

If the above does not align with your expectation, this product may NOT be suitable for your insurance needs and you should explore our other life insurance plans.

For more details of the plan features, please refer to Product brochure. For full terms and conditions, please refer to Policy provisions. To read about your future premiums payable for this plan, please refer to Premium Illustration.

The Choice 5-Year Life Insurance Plan (HKD)

End of Policy Year

Total Premiums Paid (Without Discount)

Total Premiums Paid (With Discount)

Guaranteed Cash Value (HKD)

Guaranteed Death Benefit (HKD)

Understanding this product

Objective of the application

The Choice 5-Year Life Insurance Plan (HKD) is a non-participating life insurance product with savings element and is designed to help you to fulfil your need of saving up for the future.


Type and nature of the product

This is a life insurance plan with saving elements and neither a bank deposit plan nor a bank savings plan. It is underwritten by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited.


Payment period & benefit period

This life insurance policy will cover you for 5 years and your contribution, which you selected at previous stage, will be for the first 2 years (24 months). Please note, you should only apply for this life insurance policy if you intend to make the required payments for the entire premium payment term.


Affordability & liquidity risk

With your income and/or liquid assets, you can afford the premium payments and applicable levies required for this life insurance product throughout the policy term. You will receive a value that equals to the Guaranteed Cash Value at maturity at the end of the policy term. You are expected to keep your policy for the entire policy term. However, if you decide to surrender before the end of the policy term, or you do not keep up your required payments, there is a risk that you will receive an amount which may be less than the premium you have already paid.

If this does not align with your expectation, this product may NOT be suitable for your insurance need and you should explore our other life insurance plans.

For more details of the plan features and illustration summary, please refer to Product brochure and Illustration summary . For full terms and conditions, please refer to General provisions , Unemployment benefit provision and Accidental death benefit provision .

The Choice 5-Year Life Insurance Plan (USD)

End of Policy Year

Total Premiums Paid (Without Discount)

Total Premiums Paid (With Discount)

Guaranteed Cash Value (USD)

Guaranteed Death Benefit (USD)

Understanding this product

Objective of the application

The Choice 5-Year Life Insurance Plan (USD) is a non-participating life insurance product with savings element and is designed to help you to fulfil your need of saving up for the future.


Type and nature of the product

This is a life insurance plan with saving elements and neither a bank deposit plan nor a bank savings plan. It is underwritten by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited.


Payment period & benefit period

This life insurance policy will cover you for 5 years and your contribution, which you selected at previous stage, will be for the first 2 years (24 months). Please note, you should only apply for this life insurance policy if you intend to make the required payments for the entire premium payment term.


Affordability & liquidity risk

With your income and/or liquid assets, you can afford the premium payments and applicable levies required for this life insurance product throughout the policy term. You will receive a value that equals to the Guaranteed Cash Value at maturity at the end of the policy term. You are expected to keep your policy for the entire policy term. However, if you decide to surrender before the end of the policy term, or you do not keep up your required payments, there is a risk that you will receive an amount which may be less than the premium you have already paid.

If this does not align with your expectation, this product may NOT be suitable for your insurance need and you should explore our other life insurance plans.

For more details of the plan features and illustration summary, please refer to Product brochure and Illustration summary . For full terms and conditions, please refer to General provisions , Unemployment benefit provision and Accidental death benefit provision .

Imperial Dragon (RMB) Life Insurance Plan

End of Policy Year

Total Premiums Paid (Without Discount)

Total Premiums Paid (With Discount)

Guaranteed Cash Value (RMB)

Guaranteed Death Benefit (RMB)

Understanding this product

Objective of the application

Imperial Dragon (RMB) Life Insurance Plan is a non-participating life insurance product with savings element and is designed to help you to fulfil your need of saving up for the future.


Type and nature of the product

This is a life insurance plan with saving elements and neither a bank deposit plan nor a bank savings plan. It is underwritten by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited.


Payment period & benefit period

This life insurance policy will cover you for 5 years and your contribution, which you selected at previous stage, will be for the first 2 years (24 months). Please note, you should only apply for this life insurance policy if you intend to make the required payments for the entire premium payment term.


Affordability & liquidity risk

With your income and/or liquid assets, you can afford the premium payments and applicable levies required for this life insurance product throughout the policy term. You will receive a value that equals to the Guaranteed Cash Value at maturity at the end of the policy term. You are expected to keep your policy for the entire policy term. However, if you decide to surrender before the end of the policy term, or you do not keep up your required payments, there is a risk that you will receive an amount which may be less than the premium you have already paid.

If this does not align with your expectation, this product may NOT be suitable for your insurance need and you should explore our other life insurance plans.

For more details of the plan features and illustration summary, please refer to Product brochure and Illustration summary . For full terms and conditions, please refer to General provisions , Unemployment benefit provision and Accidental death benefit provision .

Illustration summary

- EasyRefund 100% Global Hospital Cash Plan (3-Year)

3 years premium payment term and benefit term

End of Policy Year

Total Premiums Paid (HKD)

Guaranteed Surrender Value (HKD)

Guaranteed Death Benefit (HKD)

Accidental Death Benefit (HKD)



(70% of Total
Premiums Paid)

(100% of Total
Premiums Paid)

(100% of Total
Premiums Paid)



(70% of Total
Premiums Paid)

(100% of Total
Premiums Paid)

(100% of Total
Premiums Paid)



(103101% of Total
Premiums Paid)

(100% of Total
Premiums Paid)

(100% of Total
Premiums Paid)

Important notes

  1. This section is only a summary illustration of the major benefits of your basic plan excluding any supplementary benefits and assumes that:
    a) All premiums are paid in full when due;
    b) No benefit has been paid; and
    c) No policy change has been made.
    You should refer to your licensed insurance intermediary or the company for more information or, if appropriate, a more detailed summary.
  2. The amount of total premium(s) may differ slightly from the total of the premiums payable in the policy due to rounding differences. Other projected values in this document are also subjected to rounding differences.
  3. Guaranteed Surrender Value in this section refers to premium refund payable to Policyholder if the policy is lapsed, surrendered or terminated, provide that no Death Benefit has been paid or become payable under the Policy and no benefit has been paid or become payable under any Supplementary Benefits.
  4. Guaranteed Death Benefit in this section will be payable to the beneficiary upon Life Insured’s death. The benefit equals 100% of the Total Premiums Paid as of the date of death of the Life Insured.
  5. Insurance Age means, at any date, the age of the Life Insured or Payor / Policyholder (as applicable) on the last birthday prior to (or on the birthday the same day as) the Policy Date or the relevant Policy Anniversary.
  6. When reviewing the values shown in the above illustration in this section, please note that the cost of living in the future is likely to be higher than it is today due to inflation.
  7. The figures as shown above exclude any levy payment and applicable discount.
  8. Please note part of the premiums illustrated above will pay for the insurance and related costs.
  • You should only apply for this product if you intend to pay the premium for the whole of the premium payment term.
  • Should you terminate this policy early or cease paying premiums early, you may suffer a significant loss.     

The insurance plan and this summary are offered by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited. This summary is not a policy contract. In case of conflict between the terms of this illustration and the terms of the policy and any applicable rules, the terms of the policy and applicable rules shall apply.

This summary does not contain the full terms of the policy and the full terms can be found in the policy document.

Key summary of coverage

Death Benefit

While the Policy is in force, in the unfortunate event of death of the Life Insured, the beneficiary will receive the Death Benefit equivalent to a refund of 100% of the Total Premiums Paid during Policy Term (excluding any interest received by the Company). After paying the Death Benefit, the policy will be terminated accordingly.

Type and nature of the product

While the Policy is still in force upon the Benefit Cessation Date of Basic Plan, the Company will according to the table stipulated as below to refund the applicable percentage of Total Premiums Paid during Policy Term (excluding any interest received by the Company) to you or your estate; or while the Policy is lapsed, surrendered or terminated at any time before the Benefit Cessation Date of Basic Plan, and no Death Benefit has been paid or become payable under this Policy, the Company will refund 70% of the Total Premiums Paid during the Policy Term (excluding any interest received by the Company) to you or your estate.

On the Benefit Cessation Date

Applicable percentage of premium refund

If no benefit have been paid or become payable under any Supplementary Benefits

103%101% of Total Premiums Paid

If any benefit have been paid or become payable under any Supplementary Benefits

100% of Total Premiums Paid

Understanding this product

Objective of the application

EasyRefund 100% Global Hospital Cash Plan (3-Year) is a non-participating refundable hospital cash and life insurance plan that provides hospital cash coverage.


Type and nature of the product

This is a refundable hospital cash life insurance plan and neither a bank deposit plan nor a bank savings plan. It is underwritten by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited.


Payment period and benefit period

This refundable hospital cash life insurance plan will cover you for 3 years and your contribution, which you selected at previous stage, will be for the 3 years (or 36 months). Please note, you should only apply for this hospital cash life insurance plan if you intend to make the required payments for the entire premium payment term.

Daily Hospital Cash Benefit and Extra Hospital Cash Benefit are subject to waiting period. Hospital confinement due to sickness, disease or illness occurring at least 30 days after the policy effective date will be covered.


Affordability and liquidity risk

With your income and / or liquid assets, you can afford the premium payments and applicable levies required for this life insurance product throughout the policy term. You will receive a value that equals to the Premium Refund at maturity at the end of the policy term. You are expected to keep your policy for the entire policy term. However, if you decide to surrender before the end of the policy term, or you do not keep up your required payments, there is a risk that you will receive an amount which may be less than the premium you have already paid.

If the above does not align with your expectation, this product may NOT be suitable for your insurance needs and you should explore our other life insurance plans.

For more details of the plan features, please refer to Product brochure. For full Terms and Conditions, please refer to General Provision, Daily Hospital Cash Benefit Provision, Extra Hospital Cash Benefit Provision and Accidental Death Benefit Provision.

Premium option – 

End of Policy Year

Total Premium Paid
(Without Discount)

Total Premium Paid
(With Discount) ()

Guaranteed Cash Value ()

Accidental Death Benefit ()

Death Benefit ()







Understanding this product

Objective of the application

QuickReward Endowment Life Insurance Plan (1-Year) – (HKD / USD / RMB) is a non-participating life insurance product with savings element and is designed to help you to fulfil your short term saving need.


Type and nature of the product

This is a life insurance plan with saving elements and neither a bank deposit plan nor a bank savings plan. It is underwritten by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited.


Payment period and benefit period

This life insurance policy will cover you for 1 year and your contribution, will be a single premium payment (once the policy was approved). Please note, you should only apply for this life insurance policy if you intend to make the required payments for the entire premium payment term.


Affordability and liquidity risk

With your income and/or liquid assets, you can afford the premium payments and applicable levies required for this life insurance product throughout the policy term. You will receive a value that equals to the Guaranteed Cash Value at maturity at the end of the policy term. You are expected to keep your policy for the entire policy term. However, if you decide to surrender before the end of the policy term, or you do not keep up your required payments, there is a risk that you will receive an amount which may be less than the premium you have already paid.

If this does not align with your expectation, this product may NOT be suitable for your insurance need and you should explore our other life insurance plans.

For more details of the plan features and illustration summary, please refer to Product Brochure and Illustration Summary. For full terms and conditions, please refer to General Provisions and Accidental Death Benefit Provision.

Payment mode -

End of Policy Year

Total Premiums Paid (Without Discount) ()

Total Premiums Paid (With Discount) ()

Current Year Payout of Monthly Guaranteed Income ()

Total payout of Monthly Guaranteed Income ()

Guaranteed Cash Value ()

Guaranteed Death Benefit ()

Understanding this product

Objective of the application

CouponPower Guaranteed Life Insurance Plan (HKD / USD) is a non-participating life insurance product with savings elements and coverage for breast and lung cancer. It’s designed to help you to fulfil your medium-term savings need.


Type and nature of the product

This is a life insurance plan with saving elements and coverage for breast and lung cancer, neither a bank deposit plan nor a bank savings plan. It's underwritten by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited.


Payment period & benefit period

This life insurance policy will cover you for 10 years and your contribution, which you selected at the previous stage, will be for the first 2 years (once the policy has been approved). Please note, you should only apply for this life insurance policy if you intend to make the required payments for the entire premium payment term. This life insurance policy will cover you for 10 years and your contribution, which you selected at the previous stage, will be an aggregate premium payment (once the policy has been approved). Please note, you should only apply for this life insurance policy if you intend to make the required payments for the entire premium payment term.


Affordability & liquidity risk

Based on your income and/or liquid assets, you can afford the premium payments and applicable levies required for this life insurance product throughout the policy term. You will receive a value that equals to the Guaranteed Cash Value at maturity at the end of the policy term. You are expected to keep your policy for the entire policy term. However, if you decide to surrender the policy before the end of the policy term, or you do not keep up your required payments, there is a risk that you will receive an amount which may be less than the premium you have already paid.

If this does not align with your expectation, this product may NOT be suitable for your insurance need and you should explore our other life insurance plans.

For more details of the features and illustration summary of the plan, please refer to Product Brochure and Illustration Summary. For full terms and conditions, please refer to General Provisions, Designated Cancer Benefit Provision and Accidental Death Benefit Provision.

Enter information

Start your Vulnerable Customer
Hang Seng Bank Limited ("the Bank") and Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited ("Hang Seng Insurance") are committed to exercising care and providing additional protection measures to Vulnerable Customers in insurance application. This assessment is provided by Hang Seng Insurance and the Bank as authorized insurance agent of Hang Seng Insurance and is intended to help you understand whether you are a Vulnerable Customer based on your personal circumstances, including your insurance application experience.

Your answers

Have you completed Secondary 3 or above?
Are your total net liquid assets maintained in the Bank, or other financial institutions and your personal holdings is valued more than or equal to HKD 50,000 or equivalent?
Do you have any regular source of income?
Do you have any experience in applying for life insurance products (not limited to Hang Seng Insurance life insurance)?
(a) Have you applied for any Annuity Insurance Products
over the past 5 years, giving you the relevant insurance experience?
(b) Have you applied for any Non-Investment-Linked Long Term Insurance Products
over the past 5 year, giving you the relevant insurance experience?

Assessment result

Your Vulnerable Customer Assessment status is assessed as:
Your Vulnerable Customer Assessment status is assessed as:
Original VC Status (Annuity Products)
Original VC Status (Non-Investment-Linked Long Term Insurance Products)
Do you agree with the above result?

Your final Vulnerable Customer Assessment status is assessed as:
Your final Vulnerable Customer Assessment status is assessed as:
Final VC Status (Annuity Products)
Final VC Status (Non-Investment-Linked Long Term Insurance Products)


The information you provided below will form the basis for underwriting and assessing any claims in the future.
These questions help us understand your health. It is important to answer truthfully to make sure your coverage is valid. The great news is, we will only ask about your health now and any changes in your health after the policy is issued will not impact your policy.
Please input all details in English:
Tax residence
I declare that my current Tax Residence for tax purpose is / are as below:
Applicant / Life Insured information
Last name should be the same as the one printed on your HKID card
First name should be the same as the one printed on your HKID card
If the account holder is a tax resident of Hong Kong, the TIN is the Hong Kong Identity Card number. e.g. A123456(1)
Contact details
Please make sure your email address is correct
Your beneficiary will receive the death benefits in the form of a lump-sum payment. You may add, remove or change your beneficiaries after your policy has been issued.
Payment details
You have the right to cancel your policy within the cooling-off period of 21 days
  • I have read the Promotion Terms & Conditions. 
  • I agree and authorize Hang Seng Insurance to share my policy details applying through this redirection from yuu App including policy number, policy name, policy status, policy effective dates, premium paid amount and related transaction dates to DFI for yuu Points calculation and issuance, basic information display, data analytics and providing me with product, services, promotions or discount offers of Hang Seng Insurance. 
  • I confirm that the above yuu membership number is correct and understand that the yuu Points will be rewarded to the above yuu Account.

This application is redirected from the yuu App. yuu Points will be rewarded based on the premium paid upon successful policy approval. yuu Points will be issued by DFI Development (HK) Limited (“DFI”)yuuinfo to the following yuu Account after the cooling-off period of the policy (while it remains in force) yuutips.


Things to note

Please check if the following details are accurate, and click “Confirm” to proceed.

Thank you for applying for the above insurance plan(s) online.

What’s next?

  1. Application submitted

    You‘ll receive a confirmation email with a reference number at your email address provided during the application

  2. Review in progress

    Your application is under review, and the insurance plan(s) is yet to be effective.

  3. Application result

    You'll normally receive the application result by an SMS message within 7-10 working days

  4. Policy effective

    If your application is successfully approved, the policy effective date will be defaulted to your online application submission date. We'll send / provide relevant policy documents to you via following methods: If your application is successfully approved, the policy effective date will be the policy issue date. We'll send / provide relevant policy documents to you via following methods:

Physical copy sent by registered mail:

  • eWelcomeBackByMail

Digital copy viewed in Personal e-Banking (Desktop version):

  • eWelcomeBackByeBanking

Simply log on to Personal e-Banking (Desktop version) and go to "My Insurance" under "Insurance" to view relevant digital policy documents.

If you haven't registered for Personal e-Banking, we'll send you a physical copy by registered mail.

If you’ve changed your email address or mobile phone number recently, please update your contact details by logging on to Personal e-Banking (Desktop version), then go to "Account Maintenance" under "Customer Service" and select "Personal Particulars" to ensure you can receive important notifications.

Insurance plan

Vulnerable Customer assessment

Medical information
Personal details

Tax residence

I declare that my current Tax Residence for tax purpose is / are as below:

Applicant / Life Insured information

Last name
First name
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
HKID number
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Smoking habit
Are you a non-income earner?

Covered child information

Last name
First name