Bupa Hero VHIS Plan (Advance) (F00040)

This is a VHIS flexi plan certified by the Health Bureau of Hong Kong and underwritten by Bupa (Asia) Limited

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Bupa Hero VHIS Plan (Advance)

Policy effective date: ${date}
This quote is valid till today.

Coverage and product information

What coverage does this plan offer?

Full cover for medical expenses

Medically necessary expenses incurred in Asia, Australia and New Zealand are covered in full up to your annual benefit limit of HKD25 million, without lifetime benefit limit. 


Full cover for inpatient psychiatric and cancer treatments

Covering inpatient psychiatric and cancer treatments including chemotherapy, radiotherapy (e.g. proton therapy), targeted therapy, immunotherapy and hormonal therapy. 


Tax deduction for Qualifying Premiums1

This plan is certified as VHIS compliant. The maximum tax deduction for qualifying premiums paid under VHIS certified plan for each insured person for the applicable tax assessment year is HKD8,000.  The VHIS tax incentive is only available to Hong Kong taxpayers. For more details, please visit the Inland Revenue Department’s website or seek independent professional advice.

Am I eligible for this plan?

  • As a policy holder, you must be aged 18 or above and an existing Hang Seng customer (Hang Seng Bank account holder / Hang Seng Credit Card holder)
  • You may apply for yourself and family members familyRelationshipTips  who are at the age of 15 days to 80 years (inclusive) at policy commencement with valid HKID / Hong Kong birth certificate

  • You and your family members must not have address / nationality of the U.S. or Japan.

What are the general exclusions?

Expenses incurred for treatments, procedures, medications, tests or services which are not medically necessary.

Expenses incurred for the whole or part of the confinement solely for the purpose of diagnostic procedures or allied health services, including but not limited to physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy, unless such procedure or service is recommended by a registered medical practitioner for medically necessary investigation or treatment of a disability which cannot be effectively performed in a setting for providing medical services to a day patient.

Expenses arising from human immunodeficiency virus (“HIV”) and its related disability, which is contracted or occurs before the   policy effective date. Irrespective of whether it is known or unknown to the policy holder or the insured person at the time of submission of application, including any updates of and changes to such requisite information (if so requested by Bupa under Section 8 of Part 1 of the Policy Terms and Benefits) such disability shall be generally excluded from any coverage of the Terms and Benefits if it exists before the policy effective date. If evidence of proof as to the time at which such disability is first contracted or occurs is not available, manifestation of such   disability within the first 5 years after the policy effective date shall be presumed to be contracted or occur before the policy effective date, while manifestation after such 5 years shall be presumed to be contracted or occur after the policy effective date.

However, the exclusion under this entire Section 3 shall not apply where HIV and its related disability is caused by sexual assault, medical assistance, organ transplant, blood transfusions or blood donation, or infection at birth, and in such cases the other terms of the Policy Terms and Benefits shall apply.

Expenses incurred for medical services as a result of disability arising from or consequential upon the dependence, overdose or influence of drugs, alcohol, narcotics or similar drugs or agents, self-inflicted injuries or attempted suicide, illegal activity, or venereal and sexually transmitted disease or its sequelae (except for HIV and its related disability, where Section 3 of these General exclusions applies).

Any charges in respect of services for –

(a) beautification or cosmetic purposes, unless necessitated by injury caused by an accident and the insured person receives the medical services within 1 year of the accident; or

(b) correcting visual acuity or refractive errors that can be corrected by fitting of spectacles or contact lens, including but not limited to eye refractive therapy, LASIK and any related tests,   procedures and services.

Expenses incurred for prophylactic treatment or preventive care, including but not limited to general check-ups, routine tests, screening procedures for asymptomatic conditions, screening or surveillance procedures based on the health history of the insured person and/or his family members, hair mineral analysis (HMA), immunisation or health supplements. For the avoidance of doubt, this Section 6 does not apply to –

(a) treatments, monitoring, investigation or procedures with the purpose of avoiding complications arising from any other medical services provided;

(b) removal of pre-malignant conditions;

(c) treatment for prevention of recurrence or complication of a previous disability; and

(d) any medical check-up benefits payable under Sections 2 and 3 of Supplement 2 of the Policy Terms and Benefits.

Expenses incurred for dental treatment and oral and maxillofacial procedures performed by a dentist except for emergency treatment and surgery during confinement arising from an accident. Follow-up dental treatment or oral surgery after discharge from hospital shall not be covered.

Except for the complications of pregnancy benefit payable under Section 2(e) of Supplement 1 of the Policy Terms and Benefits, expenses incurred for medical services and counselling services relating to maternity conditions and its complications, including but not limited to diagnostic tests for pregnancy or resulting childbirth, abortion or miscarriage; birth control or reversal of birth control; sterilisation or sex reassignment of either sex; infertility including in-vitro fertilisation or any other artificial method of inducing pregnancy; or sexual dysfunction including but not limited to impotence, erectile dysfunction or pre-mature ejaculation, regardless of cause.

Expenses incurred for the purchase of durable medical equipment or appliances including but not limited to wheelchairs, beds and furniture, airway pressure machines and masks, portable oxygen and oxygen therapy devices, dialysis machines, exercise equipment, spectacles, hearing aids, special braces, walking aids, over-the-counter drugs, air purifiers or conditioners and heat appliances for home use. For the avoidance of doubt, this exclusion shall not apply to rental of medical equipment or appliances during confinement or on the day of the day case procedure.

Except for the consultation or acupuncture by a registered Chinese medicine practitioner after confinement or specific treatments benefit payable under Section 2(h) of Supplement 1 of the Policy Terms and Benefits, expenses incurred for traditional Chinese medicine treatment, including but not limited to herbal treatment, bone-setting, acupuncture, acupressure and tui na, and other forms of alternative treatment including but not limited to hypnotism, qigong, massage therapy, aromatherapy, naturopathy, hydropathy, homeotherapy and other similar treatments.

Expenses incurred for experimental or unproven medical technology or procedure in accordance with the common standard, or not approved by the recognised authority, in the locality where the treatment, procedure, test or service is received.

Expenses incurred for medical services provided as a result of congenital condition(s) which have manifested or been diagnosed before the insured person attained the age of 8 years.

Eligible expenses which have been reimbursed under any law, or medical program or insurance policy provided by any government, company or other third party.

Expenses incurred for treatment for disability arising from war (declared or undeclared), civil war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, or military or usurped power.

Enter Information

Health details such as height and weight are not required for proposed insured persons below 18 years old, please click "Health declaration" to continue.
Proposed insured person(s) aged 18 or above is required to provide the height and weight for underwriting purpose, please ensure they are true and correct.
Your 's health information
We cannot proceed with your application as the information you provided does not meet Bupa's underwriting requirement for Body Mass Index (BMI). If you wish to apply for other family member(s) only, please get a new quote or call us at (852)2998 9886.
We cannot proceed with your application as the information you provided does not meet Bupa's underwriting requirement for Body Mass Index (BMI).
Do you (or proposed Insured Person) smoke or have you (or proposed Insured Person) smoked in the last one year?
Question 1
In the last 3 years, have you (or proposed Insured Person) ever had or been advised to have any regular or ongoing (such as monthly, every 2 months, half-yearly, annually) follow-up consultations or medical care with a healthcare professional (such as specialist doctor, physiotherapist, psychiatrist) for any disease or other medical condition?
Question 2
In the last 3 years, have you (or proposed Insured Person) ever had or been advised to undergo investigations (such as blood or urine test, ECG, X-ray, ultrasound, CT scan, MRI, PET scan, HIV test, Hepatitis B test, Hepatitis C test)?
If the answer is “Yes”, do your (or proposed Insured Person) investigation result(s) include the followings?
(a) Abnormal test result is advised
(b) You (or proposed Insured Person) are still awaiting test / test result
(c) Medical advice has been sought or treatment is required for the test result (such as liver cyst / brain cyst / joint degeneration or calcification / lung or breast or thyroid calcification discovered on imaging test, that may not require immediate treatment)
Question 3
In the last 5 years, have you (or proposed Insured Person) been advised by your doctor to take any medications (such as to be taken daily / once per week / as needed as directed by doctor) for a continuous period of more than 1 month?
Question 4
In the last 5 years, have you (or proposed Insured Person) been admitted into a hospital?
Question 5
In the last 5 years, have you (or proposed Insured Person) undergone a surgical procedure (including endoscopy or biopsy) without being admitted into a hospital?
Question 6
Apart from anything you (or proposed Insured Person) have already disclosed in Questions 1-5, do you (or proposed Insured Person) have any of the following conditions?
(a) Unintentional weight loss by more than 5 kg (11 lbs) over past 1 year
(b) Abnormal bleeding (such as vaginal bleeding, rectal bleeding, nose bleeding or coughing up of blood) for at least one month
(c) Other medical conditions or other sign and symptom (such as lump, headache, persistent coughing, chest pain or epigastric pain) that you (or proposed Insured Person) are seeking or intend to seek medical advice
(d) In the last 1 year, you (or proposed Insured Person) had or have been required to have follow-up consultation with a healthcare professional (such as specialist doctor, physiotherapist, psychiatrist) for any medical condition or sign and symptom
Question 7
Have you (or proposed Insured Person) ever been diagnosed any of the following diseases or medical conditions?
(a) Cancer or carcinoma in situ
(b) Brain tumor
(c) Heart disease
(d) Stroke (including transient ischemic attack (TIA))
(e) Hypertension
(f) Diabetes mellitus or impaired glucose tolerance
(g) Prolapsed intervertebral disc or degenerative spine conditions
(h) Diseases or medical conditions requiring a medical device or prosthesis to be implanted within the body
(i) Mental health conditions (such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, eating disorders, or bipolar disorders)
(j) Multiple sclerosis
(k) Congenital conditions (medical, physical or mental abnormalities that existed at the time of or before birth)
Question 8
For proposed insured children aged 6 or below only
Was the proposed insured child born before 37th week of pregnancy?
Please input the following information in English.
Policy holder and proposed insured person 's Information
Basic information
Contact information
Correspondence address in Hong Kong
Policy document receiving method
Bupa reserves the right to request for your identification documents or relationship verification document for the application.
Based on the information you provided in the Medical questionnaire, Bupa will be in touch with you for more details about the health condition of the proposed insured person(s) upon your submission.

Click “Next” if you agree with the arrangements and to proceed with the application.
Please enter your Hang Seng Credit Card details. Premium along with levy will be deducted from the credit card account upon approval. For monthly payment, the first 2 months' premium and levy will be collected for the initial payment.If your submission is on or by 15th of the month, your policy effective date will be on 1st of next month. Otherwise, the policy will be effective on 1st of the month after next. Policy effective date is subject to Bupa's final underwriting decision.
Premium payment
Do you have a Hang Seng Credit Card?
I hereby authorise and direct Bupa (Asia) Limited to debit the premium and levy due from my credit card account on an annual / monthly basis (including the subsequent payment) until further notice.
Bupa will be getting in touch with you soon on setting up application payment with another credit card.
You have cancellation rights within cooling-off period of 21 days
Bank account for claims reimbursement
Do you have a Hang Seng Bank Account?
I hereby agree and authorise Bupa (Asia) Limited to reimburse claims payment to my own account below.
Bupa will be getting in touch with you soon on setting up claims reimbursement method with another bank account.
Please double check and edit the above information before submission.


You need to know

Please read and verify the following information, then click "Confirm" to continue.
  • Please print / save this page for record
  • We are processing your application; the application will be approved once your submitted information is verified. Bupa will deliver a notification message to you upon policy approval result. The policy document will be delivered to your correspondence address within 20 working days
  • Please note your insurance plan has not been effective yet. If your application is approved, the policy effective date is set to be {successEffectiveDate}. Policy effective date may be adjusted subject to extra underwriting process, Bupa reserves the final decision right
  • Should you have any enquiry, please call us at
    ( 8 5 2 ) 2 9 9 8 9 8 8 6
  • Please print / save this page for record
  • Please note that your insurance application is not yet completed
  • Since you have answered “Yes” in the Health declaration and Bupa needs to know more about the health condition of you / proposed Insured Person(s). Bupa will contact you within 7-10 working days
  • Should you have any enquiry, please call us at
    ( 8 5 2 ) 2 9 9 8 9 8 8 6

  • Please print / save this page for record
  • Please note that your insurance application is not yet completed
  • Since you do not possess Hang Seng credit card or Hang Seng Bank account, Bupa would contact you within 7-10 working days for following up about premium payment and claims reimbursement account arrangement.
  • Should you have any enquiry, please call us at
    ( 8 5 2 ) 2 9 9 8 9 8 8 6

Policy information

Insurance plan
Bupa Hero VHIS Plan (Advance)
Insurance plan
Bupa Hero VHIS Plan (Advance – with deductible HKD)
(VHIS Certification Number: )
Special offer
HKD (HKD inclusive of levy)
Note: the first 2 months' premium and levy will be collected for the initial payment

Health declaration

Personal details

Edit Save

Myself –

First name
HKID number
Date of birth
Contact information
Mobile / contact number
Correspondence address in Hong Kong
Policy document receiving method

Premium payment and claims reimbursement

Edit Save

Premium payment

Cardholder (same as policy holder)
Hang Seng Credit Card number
Valid till
Bupa will be getting in touch with you soon on setting up application payment with another credit card.

Bank account for claims reimbursement

Premium payment and claims reimbursement

Based on the information you provided in the Medical questionnaire, Bupa will be in touch with you for more details about the health condition of the proposed insured person(s) upon your submission.

Declaration and authorisation

You may be interested in

eIncomePro Deferred Annuity Plan (100% Guaranteed)

  • Enjoy Monthly Guaranteed Annuity Income for 10 years with life protection and free accidental death benefit for short premium payment period of 5 years
  • Certified as Qualifying Deferred Annuity Policy thus relevant premiums are qualified for tax deductions
  • Easy online application with guaranteed acceptance
Terms and Conditions apply, please note the relevant product risks. eIncomePro Deferred Annuity Plan (100% Guaranteed) is underwritten by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited.

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  1. The relationship between the taxpayer and the insured person must be included in the definition of “specified relative” as set out in the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112 of the Laws of Hong Kong SAR). The tax incentives mentioned in this webpage are only available to Hong Kong taxpayers. Whether tax deduction is allowable for all or any part of the qualifying premiums paid under your VHIS Plan and the actual tax deductible and/or saving amount shall be subject to your personal circumstances , the provisions of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112 of the Laws of Hong Kong SAR) and the Inland Revenue Department's discretion. All the information relating to VHIS tax incentive included in this webpage is not intended to provide any form of tax advice. Hang Seng Bank Limited does not provide tax advice. If you are in doubt with your tax status or any information relating to tax incentives, you should obtain independent professional advice or visit the Inland Revenue Department’s website. Please note that the tax law, regulations and/or interpretations are subject to change and may affect any related tax incentives including the eligibility criteria for a tax deduction. Hang Seng Bank Limited is not responsible for informing you about any changes in laws, regulations or interpretations, and how they may affect you.

Objective of the application

This is a medical insurance plan under the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme providing you medical coverage against various covered illnesses and injuries.  Medical expenses are covered by reimbursement basis up to 100% of actual costs, with annual benefit limit of HKD25 million for eligible medical expenses in Asia, Australia and New Zealand.


Type and nature of the product

This is a Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme Plan (VHIS Certification Number: F00040) certified by the Health Bureau of Hong Kong. The qualifying premiums paid under the certified plan are eligible for claiming tax deduction (subject to the qualifying conditions being satisfied) . This plan is underwritten by Bupa (Asia) Limited and distributed by Hang Seng Bank Limited.


Premium payment and benefit period

This policy will last for 1 year. Bupa guarantees that your cover can be renewed every year for life as long as you meet the requirements as stated in the renewal provisions of your policy terms and conditions, regardless of any changes in your health condition. The Policy Holder may exercise the right of cancellation according to the Terms and Benefits stated in the Policy, however, no premium paid for the current Policy Year and previous Policy Years shall be refunded, unless during cooling-off period or specified otherwise. Please refer to the details in the Terms and Benefits stated in the Policy. 


Affordability and liquidity risk

Premium of each insured person’s is determined based on factors such as age, health conditions and choice of coverage.

Any claims you make will not affect your premium at renewal except you have a change of benefits or eligible discount. However, renewal premiums may still increase as you get older. Bupa may adjust the standard premium rate on an overall portfolio basis with reference to factors such as medical inflation, general operating expenses and revision of benefits to cover increasing medical expenses.

You should ensure your annual disposable income and/or expected disposable liquid asset is able to afford the premium payments and applicable levies required for this policy throughout the premium payment term.

If the above mentioned does not align with your expectation, this product may not be suitable for your insurance need. You may explore our other medical insurance plans.




  1. The maximum tax deduction for qualifying premiums paid under VHIS certified plan for each insured person for the applicable tax assessment year is HKD8,000. The tax incentives mentioned in this webpage are only available to Hong Kong taxpayers. Whether tax deduction is allowable for all or any part of the qualifying premiums paid under your VHIS Plan and the actual tax deductible and/ or saving amount shall be subject to your personal circumstances, the provisions of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112 of the Laws of Hong Kong SAR) and the Inland Revenue Department's discretion. All the information relating to VHIS tax incentive included in this webpage is not intended to provide any form of tax advice. Hang Seng Bank Limited does not provide tax advice. If you are in doubt with your tax status or any information relating to tax incentives, you should obtain independent professional advice or visit the Inland Revenue Department’s website. Please note that the tax law, regulations and/or interpretations are subject to change and may affect any related tax incentive including the eligibility criteria for a tax deduction. Hang Seng Bank Limited is not responsible for informing you about any changes in laws, regulations or interpretations, and how they may affect you.

Important Note

During the insurance application process, it’s important that you act with utmost good faith and disclose all material facts related to the proposed Insured Person to Bupa. If you are uncertain as to whether a fact is material, then it should be disclosed. If you fail to disclose or misrepresent a material fact and this causes Bupa to accept the risk, this will raise questions about your entitlement to insurance benefits. Consequences may include termination of your policy or reduction of entitlement to claims payments in all or part.

(i) This questionnaire collects health-related information solely for the purpose of underwriting which is a process for Bupa to evaluate the health risk of the applicants and decide the application results.  The underwriting process that Bupa adopts should be fair and reasonable, and Bupa should explain the application results if requested by the customers.

(ii) As the applicant, you are required to provide Bupa with complete and accurate information requested in this questionnaire to the best of your knowledge and belief.  Based on the information provided, Bupa may have follow-up questions or enquiries that require you to provide further information for underwriting purpose.

(iii) If there are any changes to or updates of the information provided in this questionnaire after the time of submission of this application and before you receive the Policy, you are required to notify Bupa in a timely manner.

(iv) Even after an insurance policy has been issued upon successful application, the insurance coverage for the proposed Insured Person may be affected or the policy may be terminated, voided or rescinded, or claims may be repudiated by Bupa, if you have not provided Bupa with complete and accurate information to the best of your knowledge and belief according to (ii), or if you have not notified Bupa on any changes to or updates of the information in time according to (iii).


Guidance Note in completing the questionnaire

You do not need to disclose information regarding the medical conditions or treatments below –

Cold / flu / sore throat, gastroenteritis / food poisoning (fully recovered), indigestions (no investigations required), acne, muscle sprained (fully recovered), thrush, routine scan / blood test for pregnancy (normal result), routine cervical smear (normal result), routine health check (normal result), preventive vaccination, Hormonal Replacement Therapy (menopause), infertility treatment or uncomplicated pregnancy, myopia / hyperopia / astigmatism / presbyopia.

You are required to provide Bupa with complete and accurate information requested in this questionnaire to the best of your knowledge and belief, including any and all medical information which are known or ought to be known by Bupa in any previous insurance application and medical claims.

I declare that I am either the legal representative of the additional Insured Person(s) named in this application (“Additional Insured Person(s)”), or I have been duly authorised by each Additional Insured Person(s) (or their guardian, if applicable) to apply for the health insurance scheme (the “Scheme”) stated in this application and make the following declarations on their behalf. I further declare that I have obtained the full and complete authority from the Additional Insured Person(s) (or their guardian, if applicable) to disclose the personal information requested in this Application and to deal with and receive or request information concerning such Additional Insured Person(s) from Hang Seng Bank Limited (“Hang Seng Bank”) on behalf of Bupa (Asia) Limited (“Bupa”) in relation to any matters arising from this Application, including any subsequent amendment.
I declare on my own behalf and on behalf of the Additional Insured Person(s), that:

General Terms:

  • I declare that I am in Hong Kong at the time of making this online application.
  • I confirm and declare that neither of myself nor any proposed insured persons held any Bupa medical insurance applied via Hang Seng Bank or Bupa Hero VHIS Plan.
  • I acknowledge that any premium refund made under this Policy shall be payable to the Policy Holder only.
  • I confirm that the credit card used to make payment under this Policy is held by myself. (Applicable to applications that have provided Hang Seng Credit Card details for premium payment)
  • I acknowledge that Bupa reserves the right to request a copy of identification card of myself and/or any Additional Insured Person(s) for verification purposes at any point during the policy period.
  • I understand that if I or any Additional Insured Person(s) have an existing medical insurance policy, it is my responsibility to determine the suitability and desirability of continuing the existing medical insurance policy in conjunction with a new medical insurance policy under the Scheme, should my or any Additional Insured Person(s)’s application be accepted by Bupa

Coverage and Pre-existing Conditions:

  • I agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Policy of this Scheme, which will be provided to me if this Application is approved.
  • I acknowledge that the Policy shall be renewed automatically on a yearly basis unless it is not renewed by giving notice to Bupa or according to the terms of the Policy. I further authorise Bupa to deduct the premium payments from my designated bank account / credit card (where applicable) upon renewal. If I want to cancel the Policy in future, I will need to inform Bupa in writing at least 30 days before the renewal date.
  • I acknowledge that benefit is not payable to me or any Additional Insured Person(s) under the Scheme for any costs of treatment arising from any existing illnesses, injuries or other conditions which has been treated or diagnosed or manifested with signs and symptoms that should be reasonably aware before the Policy Effective Date of the Scheme (or, if applicable, the date as referred in the Endorsement Letter if switching from an existing Bupa Health Insurance Scheme).
  • The statements and information provided in the Health Declaration of this Application are true and complete and all information disclosed on behalf of the Additional Insured Person(s) has been verified by me as true and correct. I acknowledge that the knowledge of the Additional Insured Person(s) is imputed to my knowledge.
  • I acknowledge that Bupa may verify the answers in the Health Declaration of this Application with Additional Insured Person(s) and where there is any discrepancy between:
    (a) the content of the telephone calls between Additional Insured Person(s) and Bupa; and
    (b) the information provided in the Health Declaration,
    the information on the Health Declaration will be deemed as true, accurate and complete declarations made by all Additional Insured Person(s).
  • If any information collected during the telephone calls between the Additional Insured Person(s) and Bupa has changed or is not reflected accurately in the Health Declaration, I shall advise Bupa of such change or inaccuracy before submitting this Application. I understand that I am required to notify Bupa immediately if the health condition of any Insured Person(s) has changed at any time after the submission of this Application and before the Policy Effective Date of the Scheme.
  • In the event the Pre-existing Conditions have been disclosed during application and accepted by Bupa, Bupa may apply a Premium Loading to cover that specific condition(s) and the percentage of Premium Loading shall be notified to me in writing.  Bupa may apply Case-based Exclusion(s) due to a Pre-existing Condition or any other factor that may affect the insurability of the proposed Insured Person(s). 
  • I acknowledge that the place of residence of the proposed Insured Person(s) is in Hong Kong. I understand that I am required to notify Bupa immediately in writing if any proposed Insured Person(s) has changed his/her place of residence.
  •  I acknowledge that Bupa may terminate the cover for the proposed Insured Person(s) with immediate effect if the law of the country in which the proposed Insured Person(s) is located, or the proposed Insured Person(s)’ Place of Residence or nationality, including but not limited to USA and Japan, or any other law which applies to Bupa or the Policy, prohibits the provision of healthcare cover by Bupa to local nationals, residents or citizens. I further declare that the proposed Insured Person(s) is not US permanent residents. I understand that I am obliged to immediately notify Bupa in writing if the proposed Insured Person(s) becomes a permanent resident of USA during the Policy Year. For the above purpose, ‘permanent resident’ shall mean a person residing in a country who is a citizen of or who is permitted under applicable laws to live and work, on a permanent basis, in that country.
  • I understand that failure to provide Bupa with full, complete and accurate information in the Application may result in Bupa having the right to treat my policy as if it has not existed or refusing to pay all or part of a claim. I agree that the answers given in this Application and the Health Declaration shall be the basis of the Policy between me/Additional Insured Person(s) and Bupa.     

Personal Data and Information Disclosure:

  • I consent, and I have obtained consent from all Additional Insured Person(s), to:
    • Hang Seng Bank Limited disclosing the personal data provided in this Application to Bupa; and
    • Bupa using and disclosing the personal data provided in this Application and other personal data it collects about me and the Additional Insured Person(s),
      for the purposes set out in and in accordance with the Personal Information Collection Statement of this Application.
  • Further, I have obtained consent from all Additional Insured Person(s) to me providing Bupa, and to Bupa providing me, with health and medical information and other personal data regarding the Additional Insured Person(s) during the Application and the continuance of the Policy, including renewal.
  • I acknowledge that Bupa reserves the right to ask for submission of more details of health status or medical reports relating to myself and any Additional Insured Person(s) listed in this Application, at my own cost.
  • I authorise any medical practitioner, hospital, clinic, by whom or where I / the Additional Insured Person(s) have been observed or treated or any insurance company or organisation that has any records or health information concerning me and / or the Additional Insured Person(s) for any reason, to give full particulars thereof including prior medical history to Bupa.
  • I acknowledge that Bupa has discretion to appoint Registered Medical Practitioners, Hospitals, Qualified Nurses, cancer centres, day-case centres, diabetic centres, wellness centres and other service providers to provide health and care services, credit facilities for eligible medical expenses and to do all things and acts incidental to such appointment for me or the Additional Insured Person(s). I acknowledge and agree that such appointment shall be made on such terms and conditions as Bupa shall think fit at its absolute discretion. Bupa shall not be liable for any claim whatsoever which may be made by me or any Additional Insured Person(s) against any such service provider appointed by Bupa. I acknowledge and agree to reimburse Bupa in full for any ineligible medical expenses and Deductible (if applicable) under this Scheme within 14 days of receipt of a written notice from Bupa.

Eligibility for Tax Deduction:

  • I acknowledge that the premium paid under this Scheme shall not be automatically entitled to tax deduction even this Application is approved by Bupa. I understand that I am required to fulfil the conditions and assessment criteria imposed by the Inland Revenue Department and any applicable laws (which may amend from time to time), which include but not limited to allowable relationship for dependant, age/disability/full-time education requirement, date and amount of qualifying premium paid, in order to enjoy any tax deduction.
  • Policies purchased for grandchild, domestic partner (i.e. civil partner, or the person with whom the Policy Holder lives in a continuous, committed, exclusive relationship during which period neither the Policy Holder or that person were or are married to or partnered with any other person) and domestic partner’s child/parents are not eligible for tax deductions.

Cancellation Rights and Refund of Premium(s) within Cooling-off Period:

  • I understand that I have the right to cancel the policy and obtain a refund of any premium(s) and levy paid by giving a written notice to Bupa (Asia) Limited. I understand that to exercise this right, the notice of cancellation must be signed by me and received directly by Bupa (Asia) Limited at 6/F, Tower 2, The Quayside, 77 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong within the cooling-off period. I understand that the cooling-off period is the period of 21 days immediately following either the day of delivery of the policy or the cooling-off notice to me or my nominated representative (whichever is the earlier). I understand that the cooling-off notice is a notice that will be sent to me or my nominated representative by Bupa (Asia) Limited to notify me of the cooling-off period around the time the policy is delivered.

Personal Information Collection Statement:

By submitting this application form, I confirm that I have read and understood the Personal Information Collection Statement  (“Statement”) in this application form.  I have also brought the Statement to the attention of all the Additional Insured(s) (or their guardians if applicable) and confirmed the understanding and agreement to it.  I/We consent to the transfer of my/our personal data within or outside of Hong Kong for the purposes and to the types of transferees as set out in the Statement.  I/We have understood the Statement’s effect in respect of my/our personal information collected or held by Bupa (Asia) Limited, including the use, storage, processing, transfer, disclosure and/ or sharing of part of or all of my/our personal information within the Group Companies in accordance with the Statement.  The updated version of the Statement is available for download from www.bupa.com.hk. 


Other point(s) to note

  1. Due to the adjustment of the decimal places, the premiums above may differ from the actual amount of the premium payable by less than HKD1.


  1. The relationship between the taxpayer and the insured person must be included in the definition of “specified relative” as set out in the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112 of the Laws of Hong Kong SAR).
    The tax incentives mentioned in this webpage are only available to Hong Kong taxpayers. Whether tax deduction is allowable for all or any part of the qualifying premiums paid under your VHIS Plan and the actual tax deductible and/or saving amount shall be subject to your personal circumstances, the provisions of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112 of the Laws of Hong Kong SAR) and the Inland Revenue Department's discretion. All the information relating to VHIS tax incentive included in this webpage is not intended to provide any form of tax advice. Hang Seng Bank Limited does not provide tax advice. If you are in doubt with your tax status or any information relating to tax incentives, you should obtain independent professional advice or visit the Inland Revenue Department’s website. Please note that the tax law, regulations and/or interpretations are subject to change and may affect any related tax incentives including the eligibility criteria for a tax deduction. Hang Seng Bank Limited is not responsible for informing you about any changes in laws, regulations or interpretations, and how they may affect you.


Other point(s) to note

  1. Due to the adjustment of the decimal places, the premiums above may differ from the actual amount of the premium payable by less than HKD1.


  1. The relationship between the taxpayer and the insured person must be included in the definition of “specified relative” as set out in the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112 of the Laws of Hong Kong SAR).
    The tax incentives mentioned in this webpage are only available to Hong Kong taxpayers. Whether tax deduction is allowable for all or any part of the qualifying premiums paid under your VHIS Plan and the actual tax deductible and/or saving amount shall be subject to your personal circumstances, the provisions of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112 of the Laws of Hong Kong SAR) and the Inland Revenue Department's discretion. All the information relating to VHIS tax incentive included in this webpage is not intended to provide any form of tax advice. Hang Seng Bank Limited does not provide tax advice. If you are in doubt with your tax status or any information relating to tax incentives, you should obtain independent professional advice or visit the Inland Revenue Department’s website. Please note that the tax law, regulations and/or interpretations are subject to change and may affect any related tax incentives including the eligibility criteria for a tax deduction. Hang Seng Bank Limited is not responsible for informing you about any changes in laws, regulations or interpretations, and how they may affect you.